Introducing “Ysolde” from my novel, Abysmal Canyon

Ysolde cropped brightness -15 and contrast 24 smaller

I’ve been working on a sketch of “Ysolde,” the 18-year-old protagonist from my novel. I think I have her face pretty much how I envisioned it. I’m going to try to do sketches of some of the main characters and post them here as well as some scenes from the book. Also started doing serious plotting for book 2 in the series, which will be a fantasy medieval setting. Lots of fun! 🙂

Ysolde Nightingale Hartmaan is a dowser who becomes the Domina Lumen (Lady of the Lumen or Light). She has long dark blonde hair and a fair complexion. She’s a little shorter than average height and slender in build. She dowses either with the crystal pendant she wears or body dowses. She’s kind of a solitary, free spirit until she becomes burdened with her new title.

*I updated the drawing just a tad and added my name and date, which I’d forgotten to do before.


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